Pregily Pillow

Pregily Pillow

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#pregily #pregnancypillow #bestpillowformaternity

It is very difficult for pregnant women to find a comfortable position for sleeping, I want to lie down on the stomach, but this is prohibited. The morning after a sleepless night, the woman becomes more and more irritable and a “vicious circle” is obtained. Lack of sleep and lack of rest cause a dangerous condition for the child and the woman.

Knowing how to use a pillow for pregnant women can eliminate the pulling pain in the lower back and back. There are only a few recommendations how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women and make your sleep more productive. Doctors recommend sleeping on the left side, since only such a posture will reduce the pressure on the vena cava, located to the right of the uterus. Lying on the left side, bend the right leg at the knee and place the product under it. It is worth considering if the expectant mother has problems with the kidneys, then you should sleep on the right side, placing a pil

29 December 1988 1988-12-29

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