micheal sean

micheal sean

What is a Network? The network is simply connecting two or more computers for resource sharing and information exchange.

Two types of connections are required to set up a network:

1- Physical Connection: To create Network structure, you need physical tools on and outside the computer. E.g; In other words, you should have an Ethernet card named NIC (Network Interface Card) on your computers. If you are going to create a network of only two computers, you can make a connection directly via ethernet cards. However, if the network you will install contains more than two computers, hardware devices such as HUB, SWITCH, other auxiliary elements should be used.

2- Software connection: The point to be considered here is which network will be created using which operating systems. After determining the operating system you will use, there will be various settings you need to make. These settings may vary depending on your network structure.

1 January 1987 1987-01-01

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